5 Things You Should Keep in Mind Before Starting...
Starting a website can be a fun journey for some of the tech wizards out …

How to Create Stylized Posture with Scenes
This tutorial will show you how to make stylized character scenes with steps to deal …
June 3, 2015
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Achieve Low Poly Arts with Image Triangulator
This tutorial will demonstrate how to create low poly arts with Image Triangulator, which gives …
May 26, 2015
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Low-poly Self Portrait Photoshop Tutorial
“Low-poly self portrait tutorial” is a Photoshop tutorial created by Brazilian creative director Breno Bitencourt. …
May 13, 2015
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

How to Apply 3D Effect to your Image
Most of you may love 3D movie or image. If you want to turn your …
April 9, 2015
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

How to Add 3D Effect for Cartoon Artwork
3D effect is getting more and more popular. Lots of movies are made in 3D …
December 16, 2013
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Create a Shiny 3D Snooker Ball in Photoshop
In this tutorial, it will demonstrate you how to create a realistic 3D snooker ball. …
November 26, 2013
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Design a 3D Can of Coke
Design a 3D can drink can be so easy as long as you understand how …
July 3, 2013
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

3D Road Map Creation
In this tutorial, it will show you how to create a 3D map in Photoshop …
January 15, 2013
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Clean 3D Text Effect Creation using CS6
Photoshop is a fantastic tool for creating 2D images. However, Photoshop also has limited capabilities …
November 30, 2012
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Design a Nice 3D Can Drink
Design a 3D can drink is like other 3D objects. You need to work out …
August 6, 2012
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial

Excellent 3D Effect Cartoon Poster Creation
Painting a cartoon character is not easy. It requires advance techniques and certain amount of …
April 12, 2012
3D Effect, Photoshop Tutorial